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Day 31

The Suspense is Part of the Fun

by Kim Breuninger

Read Psalm 130

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I put my hope. [Psalm 130:5]

There’s a scene in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where Willie Wonka says, “The suspense is terrible. I hope it will last!”

I’m with him! I love the tension between hoping… and waiting… and then finally knowing. We may as well learn to love the suspense, because it’s a daily part of life.

Imagine yourself standing in line at a scary roller coaster you’re about to ride. Talking and laughing with your friends, you try to act nonchalant but really you’re shaking inside and semi-seriously considering the “chicken exit.” The suspense is intense, but for a roller-coaster fan it’s also half the fun!

Now apply that to the roller coaster of life. There will always be tension between the now and the not yet. But that does not have to turn into debilitating anxiety. The very act of waiting is itself part of the experience that God wants you to learn from… and even enjoy.

But only if you wait in hope instead of worry. Ask yourself this question: “Am I suffering more in my worries than in my actual circumstances?” If so, then you may have a bad case of a lack of hope!

For many of us, our limited knowledge of the future creates fear. Of course, we experience limited knowledge every day so we could always find reasons to fear. For one thing, our knowledge of God is limited, so we wonder, “Will He answer my prayers the way I want Him to?” “Does He see my suffering?” “Will I be okay?”

Thankfully we have a God who promises that although our life’s journey is unpredictable we can trust in Him through every dip, dive and turn. We needn’t suffer because of an unknown hope and an unknown future. Christ died and rose again in order to become our living hope. And it’s because of His promise of unfailing love that we can live through any of life’s circumstances or delays with great expectation!

Question to Consider

What are my emotions as I daily “wait in line” in my life? On which do I rely more, my limited knowledge of God or His unlimited power and love?


Father, sometimes I get impatient and take matters into my own hands instead of trusting in You. Sometimes I doubt Your involvement or concern over the details of my life. Lord, help me to remember that You love me so much that You created me in Your imag